Press releases and information notes
Latest news
Tras la decisión del Consejo de Ministros del pasado 30 de enero, por la que se propuso el nombramiento de ...
Dominique Laboureix, Chair of the Single Resolution Board – Europe’s central banking resolution authority – has today launched the Single Resolution ...
Madrid, 30/01/2024 Information can be found at the following link (text in Spanish): El Consejo de Ministros pone en marcha ...
The Single Resolution Board has collected approximately EUR 11.3 billion in contributions to the Single Resolution Fund (SRF) corresponding to ...
FROB today publishes its 2022 annual report, setting out key milestones reached over the course of the year. Madrid, 07/07/2023. ...
Madrid, 05/07/2023. FROB has published its new website today (, which has been renewed with a view to improving the ...
Madrid, 28/06/2023. On 19 June, FROB’s Governing Committee approved the annual accounts and the directors’ report of FROB and of ...
Press releases
This section contains the press releases published in English by FROB for its distribution in the media, as well as informative notes.
2023 FROB Annual Report 16-07-2024
2021 FROB Annual Report 08-07-2022
- 2020 FROB Annual Report 20-07-2021
- The Single Resolution Board has raised close to EUR 52 billion in contributions to the Single Resolution Fund13-07-2021
- 2020 Annual accounts of FROB and the National Resolution Fund 02-07-2021
- The government extends the deadline of FROB's divestment from Bankia by two years 16-02-2021
- Council of Ministers approves appointment of Paula Conthe as Chairperson of FROB 01-12-2020
- The Government starts the procedure for the renewal of FROB´s Chairmanship 10-11-2020
- Favourable assessment of merger between Bankia and CaixaBank 23-10-2020
- Communication on the merger of Bankia and Caixabank 18-09-2020
- Talks between Bankia and Caixabank 04-09-2020
- The Single Resolution Board has raised around EUR 42 billion in contributions to the Single Resolution Fund 15-07-2020
- 2019 FROB Annual Report 08-06- 2020
- 2019 Annual Accounts of FROB and the National Resolution Fund 27-05- 2020
- The Single Resolution Board publishes its Decision determining whether compensation needs to be granted to the shareholders and creditors in respect of which the resolution actions concerning Banco Popular Español S.A. have been effected 18-03- 2020
- FROB adapts its operations due to COVID-19 and state of emergency 16-03- 2020
- Electronic office and register of FROB 24-01- 2020
- FROB presents its report: “10 years of FROB 2009-2019 A decade for financial stability”
20-12-2019 - The Single Resolution Board launches public consultation on its 'Expectations for Banks' document
23-10-2019 - Notice of invitation to tender: procedure for the procurement of legal advice to the FROB regarding its cooperation in the best defence of the Kingdom of Spain in an international arbitration procedure. (text in Spanish)
29-07-2019 - The Single Resolution Board has raised almost EUR 33 billion euros in contributions to the Single Resolution Fund
18-07-2019 - 2018 FROB Annual Report
12-06-2019 - The Single Resolution Board meets in Madrid on 27 and 28 March
28-03-2019 - Agreement regarding the management of the indirect stake of FROB, through BFA Tenedora de Acciones, S.A.U., in Bankia, S.A.
- ¿Cómo presentar en el FROB los escritos, solicitudes, comunicaciones o subsanaciones relacionados con la resolución de Banco Popular? 29-12-2018
- The government extends the deadline of FROB's divestment from Bankia by two years 21-12-2018
- SRB publishes its preliminary decision on the potential compensation of former shareholders and creditors of Banco Popular Español 06-08-2018
- The Single Resolution Board has raised around EUR 24.9 billion in contributions to the Single Resolution Fund 24-07-2018
- 2017 Annual Accounts of FROB and the National Resolution Fund 22-05-2018
- FROB signs collaboration agreements with the Bank of Spain and CNMV in relation to the resolution and recovery of credit institutions and investment firms. 23-02-2018
- FROB brings together the main agents in the sector in a conference on bank resolution 09-02-2018
- The Single Resolution Board releases the non-confidential version of documents related to the resolution of Banco Popular 02-02-2018
- FROB resumes Bankia privatisation 12-12-2017
- Unicaja repurchases in advance the issue of Contingent Convertible Bonds issued by CEISS and subscribed by FROB 01-09-2017
- The Single Resolution Board has raised around EUR 17.4 billion in contributions to the Single Resolution Fund 19-07-2017
- FROB implements the resolution of Banco Popular agreed by the Single Resolution Board and sells the entity to Banco Santander 07-06-2017
- The FROB concludes that the integration of Bankia and BMN is the most adequate strategy to optimise the recovery of State aid 21-03-2017
- FROB's independent adviser concludes the assessment of the existing market interest in BMN 21-03-2017
- FROB’s Governing Committee adopts a resolution to send nine transactions of Caja España and Caja Duero and one transaction of Sa Nostra to be investigated by the public prosecutor 16-03-2017
- Sale of Catalunya Banc to Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria executed
24-04-2015 - Catalunya Banc’s asset portfolio is sold to Blackstone with the backing of the FROB. (text in Spanish)
15-04-2015 - The FROB resolves to grant to the board of directors of BFA the power to enter into an agreement to apportion between BFA and Bankia the contingencies arising from the civil proceedings relating to the initial public offering of Bankia shares.
- The FROB resolves to send 2 operations by Novacaixagalicia to the Public Prosecution Office 31-10-2014
- The FROB resolves to send 23 operations by Catalunya Banc and Novacaixagalicia to the Public Prosecution Office for investigation. 17-10-2014
- Report on the Catalunya Banc sale procedure. 22-07-2014
- The FROB concludes the sale of Catalunya Banc. 21-07-2014
- The Frob backs the sale of a porfolio of loans of Catalunya Banc. 17-07-2014
- Amendment to Banco Ceiss resolution plan approved. 11-03-2014
- Sale of Caja Rural Comarcal de Mota del Cuervo within the framework of its resolution process. 14-01-2014
- Report on the process for the sale of NCG Banco, S.A.
18-12-2013 - The FROB concludes the auction for the sale of NCG Banco.
18-12-2013 - Approval of review procedure in respect of selling of Banco CEISS preference shares and subordinated debt.
26-11-2013 - FROB launches the NCG Banco, S.A. auction process.
19-11-2013 - The FROB approves ta general framework for action to supplement its decision-making powers in relation to possible corporate operations.
31-10-2013 - The FROB approves the burden-sharing exercises implementing the resolution plans for NCG Banco and Catalunya Banc and draws attention to the offer of purchase by the Credit Institutions' Deposit Guarantee Fund to enhance retail customers' liquidity.
10-06-2013 - Sale of Banco Gallego.
19-04-2013 - Press release disclosing the resolutions adopted in the FROB Steering Committee.
22-03-2013 - FROB relieved of its duties as provisional administrator of Banco de Valencia.
15-03-2013 - FROB injects capital into BMN, Liberbank and Banco Grupo Caja 3.
12-03-2013 - Catalunya Banc sale suspended.
04-03-2013 - Determination of the valuations of Banco CEISS, Liberbank, Banco Grupo Caja 3, BMN and Banco Gallego.
- Sareb increases capital to allow private investors to take a stake. 13-12-2012
- Sale of Banco de Valencia. 27-11-2012
- Approval of the plans for the banks in which the FROB has a majority stake. 27-11-2012
- Resumption of the processes for the sale of Banco de Valencia and Cataluya Banc. 16-11-2012
- Asset Management company for Assets Arising from Bank Restructuring (Sareb). Blueprint. 16-11-2012
- Belén Romana to be Chairwoman of Sareb, and Walter de Luna General Manager. 16-11-2012
- Presentation of the Asset Management Company for Assets Arising from Bank Restructuring (Sareb). 29-10-2012
- Increase of €6 billion in the endowment assigned to the FROB. 12-09-2012
- Decision on recapitalisation of BFA/Bankia Group. Update of the current situation of the restructuring processes for institutions under the control of the FROB. 03-09-2012
- Communiqué of the Fund for the Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB) on the results of the BFA/Bankia Group for the first half of 2012. 31-08-2012
- Enactment of Royal Decree-law 24/2012, of August 31st, on restructuring and resolution of credit institutions. 31-08-2012
- Statement to the CNMV regarding a Sifnificant Event relating to movements in Bankia and Banco de Valencia share prices. 09-08-2012
- The FROB strengthens its management bodies. 30-07-2012
- Formal Disposal of the FROB´s stake in Unnim Banc to Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria. 27-07-2012
- The FROB reorganizes to face the new steps in the restructuring of the Spanish banking system. 06-07-2012
- Reorganisation of Banco de valencia management team./a> 25-06-2012
- Temporary postponement of the sale of Catalunya Banc and Banco de Valencia. 21-06-2012
- Restructuring processes conducted by the FROB. 14-06-2012
- Acquisition of Banco CAM by Banco Sabadell. 01-06-2012
- The Governing Committee of the FROB has requested the conversion of the preference shares issued by BFA into ordinary shares of that entity. 14-05-2012
- The Governing Committee of the FROB has approved the start of the process to sell its stake in Catalunya Banc and the initial plan for the restructuring of Banco de Valencia. 12-04-2012
- The Governing Committee of the FROB has drawn up the restructuring plan for Unnim Banc. 07-03-2012
- The Governing Committe of the FROB has drawn up the restructuring plan for Banco CAM.07-12-2011
- The FROB has been appointed as interim administrator of Banco de Valencia.21-11-2011
- The FROB has been apponted as interim administrator of CAM anda Banco CAM.22-07-2011
- The Governing Committee of the FROB, has approved the FROB´s financial statements for 2010.01-06-2011
- The Governing Committee of the FROB, has agreed to release the paper on the methodology and procedures to determine the economic value of credit entities.31-05-2011
- The Governing Committee of the FROB agrees to support the recapitalization strategies.
15-04-2011 - The FROB reorganizes in response to the new Royal Decree-law 2/2011 for the reinforcement of the financial system.06-04-2011
- Royal Decree-law 2/2011.19-02-2011
- The transfer of the whole assets and liabilities of CajaSur to BBK Bank has been effective today.01-01-2011
- In Today´s meeting, the FROB Governing Committee has decided to give financial support to four integration processes among credit entities, once the integration plans have been aproved by the Banco de España.29-06-2010
- Amendments to the Royal Decree-law 9/2009.13-04-2010
- The Governing Committee has approved the FROB´s financial statements for 2009.25-03-2010